Top 5 Recommended Books by Secure Path Advisors to grow your financial education!
- Rich Dad Poor Dad– I loved this book back when I read it about 20 years ago and I still love it today. It really opens your eyes to how many can work for you and how taking risks can really pay off. Here is the Amazon Link: – Rich Dad, Poor Dad What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money–That The Poor & The Middle Class Do Not! (Paperback, 2000)
- The Alchemist– It’s a great story about a young man searching for the meaning on his life and fulfilling your personal legend. It can help open your eyes to realizing there is more to life than just money. Check it out: The Alchemist: 25th Anniversary Edition
- Dave Ramsey- Total Money MakeOver– This book provides simple, yet great advice oh how to manage finances on a simplistic level. He dives into how to live a debt free life which for some is a daunting task, but is an amazing goal to aspire to. Check it out today! Dave Ramsey- The Total Money Makeover